Living Water
Staying connected to God in the summer can be easy! The season of warmth, time away with family and friends, and the beauty of God’s creation can inspire us to remember our relationship with God. But it can also be distracting and suddenly the whole summer is gone and we’ve stepped away and have to work our way back to noticing where God is.
The Summer Reading Program at PUMC is intended to remind us that God is always with us. Whether we are reading scripture, a novel or a book on theology… God is right there with us. Our Summer Reading Program fills the summer from June to Labor Day. We hope you will join us in reading things that are inspiring to you.
To that end, this summer our theme is “Living Water.” Water is an integral part of our Christian faith. The waters of baptism mark us as God’s own. Living water reminds us that our faith is not stagnant but that it is living and active and part of our daily lives.
There are two tracks for reading and a bonus for reading both. There are always prizes! That’s the fun of it! The first track is reading scripture. Read the book of Jonah in the Old Testament and the Gospel of John in the New Testament for a prize. Both of these readings will connect you with the Vacation Bible Study theme this year and the sermon series this summer. And both have many images of water throughout.
The second track encourages you to read four books of your choice and look for evidence of God’s presence or God’s influence on the characters. If you don’t know what to read this summer, the staff picks are also in the Summer Reading flyer as suggestions. Another addition this year is the listing of books by our congregation members that you might be interested in. They are listed on the bottom of the last page.
Summer Reading is a tradition in many families. Join us to read inspiring things this summer. It will quench your thirst!