This year… more than any year is the perfect time to send your child(ren) to church camp!
-Children need space and time away
-Church camp is the perfect and safe place for your child(ren) to unplug this summer!
MARCH 7th…
The Director of Camp Otterbein will be at Powell UMC to answer any and all of your camp questions! COME TALK TO HIM!
“Campership” $100.00 rebate…
This is available to ALL students attending a full week of UMC church camp. Camper(s) will need to pay for the camp week in full through the camp and provide proof of payment to Ms. Rebecca to receive the $100.00 rebate.
Financial Aid Assistance…
Camp is expensive however we want to send your child to church camp. If you are in need of more than $100.00 rebate we are here to help. Please contact Ms. Rebecca for assistance.
“Campership” Sponsors…
Would you like to provide financial assistance to help students go to summer UMC camp? We would love your donation. Please click on the link below to help send a student to camp.

West Ohio UMC church camps click HERE for more information.
East Ohio Camp church camps click HERE for more information.