Common Ground Free Store is “a place where everything is free—clothing, shoes, diapers and linens, to small appliances, books and toys. There are no income requirements, no questions and no scrutiny; only the support of people who care. God’s mercy does not come with a price tag. Common Ground Free Store Ministries is a partnership between Delaware County churches, business, civic organizations and caring citizens.” 


Ways to Serve:

First Tuesday of the Month
Serve with those impacted by poverty and homelessness at the Common Ground Free Store with a group from PUMC every first Tuesday of the month, 5:15pm-8:15pm. The free store welcomes all and provides an opportunity to those in need to shop for free and eat a meal. To serve with the Powell UMC group on the first Tuesday of the month click here to sign up. To serve on other dates, please contact the free store Volunteer Manager by phone call at 740-417-1285 or by email at
Questions, please email