Important Dates:
Confirmation Kick-Off: September 6
Pumpkin Unload: a great opportunity to get new confirmands involved
Confirmation sesh #2: October 13
Confirmation sesh #3: November 10
Confirmation sesh #4: December 15
Confirmation sesh #5: January 12
Confirmation sesh #6: February 9
Confirmation sesh #7: March 9
Confirmation Overnight: April 11-12
Confirmation Sunday: Sunday, April 27, 2025
Commonly Asked Questions
What is Confirmation?
Confirmation refers to the decision a person makes to respond to God’s grace with intentional commitment, publicly reaffirming his or her baptismal vows before the congregation. After confirmation, the student is eligible to become a full member of the church. Who is invited? All students in 7th grade or above who wish to explore the meaning of Christian faith, the history and teachings of The United Methodist Church, and the meaning of the baptismal and membership vows are encouraged to participate. How long does it last? There are 8 sessions, spanning from October to April, including learning sessions, overnight retreats, serving opportunities, and worship experiences.