From time to time we gather folks for a class on Discernment. The class is a unique opportunity
to explore Spiritual Discernment … that is, figuring out what God is trying to tell us, where God is leading,
or making a decision that seems that we should consider God’s input.
The class will be a commitment and a blessing all at the same time.
In 2025, the virtual laity discernment retreat will consist of two, two-hour ZOOM sessions, followed 6 weeks later by a two-hour ZOOM debriefing. In the 6 weeks between sessions, there will be opportunities to read, reflect, and practice Spiritual Rhythms that will lead you to a better understanding of your own call.

Dates (please plan to attend all 3 sessions):

  • Tuesday, February 18, 2024, 6:30-8:30pm
  • Tuesday, February 25, 2024, 6:30-8:30pm
  • Tuesday, April 8, 2024, 6:30-8:30pm
Register on the West Ohio Conference website
Contact Kim La Rue, facilitator, with questions or for more information.
“…All those voices along with my renewed spirit of prayer is what I gathered out of the Discernment retreats….
to rest on your heart and work through your head and get you to a better place. 
And I hope that you take part in our next Discernment retreats.”   ~ Todd Hardesty 2023