Meet The Powell UMC Ministry Team

Click on the Ministry Team name to learn more about them.
Justin Williams 
Senior Pastor
Carrie Schwab
Associate Pastor
Dave Woodyard
Pastoral Care Minister
Sandy Huber
Deacon In Residence
Kim La Rue
Director of Adult Ministries and Membership Care
Rebecca Brownlee
Children’s Ministries Director
Jeff Daubenmire
Director of Music Ministries
Debbie Wenner
Office & Finance Administrator
Don Moore
Financial Assistant
Patty Moore
Office Assistant
Alan Moore
Jason Hiester
Organist and Adult Bell Choir Director
Debbie Thresher
Children’s Bell Choirs
Volunteer Director
Sherryl Gilsdorf
Children’s Choir
Volunteer Director
Megan Ricci
Nursery Ministries Director
Cleaning Crew
Nancy Cuartas
Co-Director of the Cherub Choir
Sandy McKinley
Co-Director of the Cherub Choir
Russ Malcolm
Cleaning Crew
Alan Shore
Minister of Maintenance